After 10 years, we let ourselves be carried away in the cloud yet month

You talk, we listen

A El Teu Amic Informàtic we listen to customers to understand their needs, we analyze them opportunities that they are better suited and we do the work necessary to carry out the service. That's why we created it Wilpin Solutions, a team ready to make your project a reality on the Internet.

Wilpin Schedule first screens

What is Wilpin Schedule and why is it useful?

Wilpin Schedule is ours reservation management system fully developed in the cloud, with which you can be the real owner of your client portfolio.
We offer you an APP professional, translated into several languages, with your data, your image i your back office. ALL en your server.
It is ready for everyone and adapts to size of your business, whether you work alone or have people working for you. We also link it to your social media and google maps.

Key features:
Booking manager from APP and WEB
Booking cancellation
Admin Promotions
Waiting list
Payment at your premises
Map of influence
Customer Manager
Linked to google maps
Linked to your social networks
* Possibility to pay in the APP
** Possibility of linking to your online store

And last but not least, the headline made you read this article Apple Store as a Google Play.

Fill out the form now to request a demonstration and your free trial without compromise.

Wilpin Schedule services

Wilpin Solutions

He Your Computer Friend we are proud to introduce our new project, Wilpin Solutions, which is born to give Cloud solutions.
Thanks to the collaboration, a team of professionals from different profiles we can offer global solutions in Cloud environment to self-employed and companies they need cloud-based services. Our goal is to help small businesses in their first steps, to better organize their agenda and resources as well as the companies in operation they want improve its operation as well as its presence on the Internet.

Wilpin Solutions logo


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